I Have Seen The Light!

No, no, I haven’t had some sort of re-awakening (spiritual, religious or otherwise). I mean the above in the most literal sense since the Berlin Festival of Lights is on this week. Around 40-50 buildings all around Berlin are being lit up with various projections all this week so a group of us went to investigate on Monday.

To be perfectly honest it was nice just to be out of the house on a weekday and (as a friend pointed out) to be out in the evening and NOT drinking! The Festival is pretty cool and I’m glad we went to go and see it – the former light technician geek in me was in heaven! It does seem slightly strange that, in a city and a country well-known for being quite eco-friendly, there could be an entire week’s worth of huge light projections but there you go!

To be perfectly honest there’s not a whole lot to say about it, I just wanted to put up some pretty pictures…


Trippy Fernsehturm


Richtig geil, oder?


Echt der Hammer, wa?



Bis später!